
The First Grade Plan

The Book I discovered The Well Trained Mind  by Susan Wise Bauer and Jesse Bauer shortly into my foray into homeschool research. Of course, there are many, many  different curriculums and methodologies out there. You should choose what's best for you. Some that come to mind right now are Classical education, Charlotte Mason, unschooling, etc.  The Well Trained Mind  is solidly in the camp of Classical education, and it's the format that resonated with me the most, which is why I purchased this book. I bought it on Kindle, just to peruse through and see if it was a good fit. Let me tell you...I didn't look back. Not only do these authors tell you why they prefer classical, but they walk you step-by-step through the trivium, with comparisons of different curriculums along the way, and tips on what to do in a variety of circumstances. This book is a tome of wonderfully helpful information. I later purchased the physical book, because I knew once we started homeschooling...

About Me

 My name is Tessa, and I've left teaching high school for 8 years to becoming a homeschool mom for my own children. The number one question I'm asked when people learn this is... why? I could really answer this question with a variety of reasons, and they would all be valid. I'll probably explain this in later posts. What it really comes down to, and the answer to that question, is this: it is what is best for my family . This kind of shift isn't possible for some families, or even preferred, but it was best for ours. If you want to read about what we're doing and some more about the why we're doing it, feel free to read ahead. If you want to respectfully question our chosen methods, curriculum, and reasoning, I welcome it. I've chosen to begin writing about this topic for a few reasons. Firstly, because I think it is valuable for a teacher to reflect on learning and identify successes, failures, and ways to improve. Secondly, while there are a lot of homesc...